Business Terms of use

Business Terms of use

Guest Island Ltd (henceforth: Guest Island) offers a variety of bookable tours, experiences, tickets, adventures, and similar products (henceforth referred to as ‘Product(s)’) through this website and through designated partner websites.

We recommend that you read these Business Terms of Use, and also the Terms and Conditions and the Data Policy because they do contain legal obligations.

Unless otherwise stated, Guest Island and any affiliated websites are subject to these Business Terms of Use, the Terms of Use and our Data Policy.

These Business Terms of Use govern the usage of this website when you signup (i.e. register an account), book a Product, or post information on this website. If booking a product, please also refer to our Terms of Business of Suppliers of Tours and Bookers.

Upon registering an account, you agree to these Business Terms of Use, the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy of Guest Island.

1. Registration of accounts / User accounts / Others

1.1. Opening and closing of a user account

You can register at this website and open a user account. When you register you are required to register with your official name, provide accurate information, and keep it updated at all times. You are responsible for all activities that occur in connection with your account.

Prior to booking a Product on www.Guest sometimes also referred to as the Guest Island Booking Platform, or the Booking Platform, you need to open a user account and register. Should you at the time of booking not have created an account we will automatically create an account for you when having confirmed payment and the booking.

After getting a user account you update your profile. For all information entered into the Booking Platform you are required to always provide truthful information, and keep it up-to-date at all times. Guest Island will not be liable if a booking of a Product for some reason cannot be carried out caused by inaccurate information, or other information provided by you.

One legal person and company cannot register more than one user account. When registering you always need to register with your official name.

We reserve the right to close your account at any time for any or no reason.

1.2 Eligibility to register a user account

Registration is restricted to actionable persons. In the case of registration of a supplier or a legal body, the person conducting the registration must be authorized to act in the name of the supplier or legal entity.

There is no entitlement to registration or use of the Guest Island Booking Platform.

Guest Island reserves the right to reject, exempt or delete any user that either applies or has already become a member of Guest Island.

1.3. Unbinding Offers

All Products and other services available at Guest Island are non-binding offers.

1.4 Booking request / Obligations / Acceptance of Supplier

If you decide to book a Product, you need to make the booking through the relevant booking interphase on www.Guest and enter accurate information. The request to book is final once you confirm payment at the website. The charges for the booked service will be deducted from your applied credit card or paypal account.

You are bound to request such booking for at least 2 working days. For calculation of time it is the supplier’s local time that will be used.

After the final request to book some Products are confirmed instantly. Other Products will only be answered to within 2 working days. If the supplier accepts the booking request, the contract between you as a customer and the supplier becomes effective. If the supplier does not accept the booking request, the contract does not become effective. In case a supplier does not accept the booking request you will be notified hereof via email.

The supplier provides the agreed Product under his own account. It is therefore solely the responsibility of the supplier to deliver the agreed product to you, and when booking a Product you as a customer and the supplier are the contracting parties.

1.6 Eligibility Requirements

The supplier may set eligibility requirements for his Product which will be displayed at the Product booking page, before proceeding to checkout at the website. It is your own responsibility to make sure that you can comply with these requirements. The supplier is allowed to exclude you from participation of the booked Product in case you do not comply with the eligibility requirements set. In such case, no refund of the booked Product will be made.

1.5. Communication of cancellation or amendment

If you successfully make a booking of a Product at www.Guest, cancellation or amendment of such confirmed Product needs to be performed in writing via the specific forms provided on our website. In case you do not apply the forms we have advised on the website, it may not be possible for us to complete the termination or amendment of the booking, in which case we should not be liable.

1.6. Communication between you and the suppliers

After having registered an account it will be possible for you to communicate with different suppliers at the website. Guest Island is not responsible or liable for what neither you nor the supplier communicate to each other.

Should the supplier communicate with you at our website and offer you to book his Product under certain terms and conditions such terms and conditions will take effect after making a booking through the website. However, such booking terms and conditions cannot relieve you and the Supplier of the obligations contained within these Business Terms of Use. Should such agreed upon terms and conditions, inclusions or exclusions, or other information differ from the Supplier’s publicly available information, the information communicated in the message from the supplier to you as a customer, or vice versa, the message in the correspondence will prevail, provided that it does not levy any commitment or further liability on Guest Island.

2. Content

You can contribute to the site in a number of different ways including but not limited to writing reviews, posting a travel partner post, asking or/and answering questions in our forums, filling out your public profile, uploading a profile image etc (henceforth referred to ‘Your Content’). When you make a booking, you also give us the right to make publicly available any review or rating information that you subsequently give or submit.

You alone are responsible for Your Content. You resume all liability and all risks associated with Your Content including anyone’s reliance on it. You represent that you own, or have the necessary permissions to use, and authorize the use of Your Content, as defined herein.

You may expose yourself to liability if Your Content:

  1. Violates any law or regulation including but not limited to any third-party right, including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, privacy right, right of publicity, or any other intellectual property or proprietary right
  2. Contains material that is false, intentionally misleading, or defamatory
  3. Contains material that is unlawful, including illegal hate speech or pornography; exploits or otherwise harms minors; or violates or advocates the violation of any law or regulation.

You give Guest Island an irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any of Your Content in a number of different ways, including displaying it on the site, reformatting it, editing it, promoting it, distributing it, deleting it in part or in full, and allowing Guest Island to grant such rights to use Your Content to third parties. As such you irrevocably grant Guest Island permission to use Your Content for any purpose. You irrevocably waive any claims and assertions of intellectual and moral rights or attribution with respect to Your content.

We may delete or reinstate some or all of Your Content from time to time at our sole discretion. We have no obligation to retain or provide you with copies of Your Content, nor do we guarantee any confidentiality with respect to Your Content.

Guest Island and any of its affiliates may display advertisements and other information including Your Content on their websites or other medias. You are not entitled to any compensation for such advertisements or any other ways in which Your Content is used.

3. Legal relationship and liabilities

3.1. Legal relationship with Guest Island

Guest Island only facilitates the making of reservations by visitors of www.Guest with the Suppliers of Products. Guest Island is thus not a party to the contract between you as a customer and the supplier of the Product and therefore has no responsibility or liability to you in respect of the terms of that contract, whether directly or indirectly.

For more information, please also see the Terms of Business of Suppliers of Tours and Bookers

3.2 Liability of Guest Island

Guest Island is only liable to you in the case of Wilful Misconduct or Gross Misconduct (including Gross Negligence). Any such liability is limited to the direct damages caused excluding indirect damages, consequential loss, loss of profit etc. The liability for punitive damages is also excluded.

Guest Island also excludes any liability for computer viruses, spyware programs or similar.

3.3 Your Liability

If you cause any damages to Guest Island or the Guest Island Booking Platform you will be held responsible for it.

4.0 Changes of these Business Terms of Use

These Business Terms of Use may be changed by Guest Island at any time and with immediate effect, without any prior notice. For each booking of a Product the prevailing Business Terms of Use at the time of such booking shall take effect.

5.0 Applicable Law

This Business Terms of Use and any further legal relations shall be governed The law of Cyprus (Greek: Κυπριακό Δίκαιο) a legal system which applies within the Republic of Cyprus. Although Cypriot law is extensively codified, it is still heavily based on English common law in the sense that the fundamental principle of precedent applies.

Guest Island and the Supplier therefore agree to exclusively submit to the jurisdiction of the Republic of Cyprus.

On behalf of Guest Island

Guest Island Ltd

Office 302 Collossos Court

29 Kyvellis Street

Larnaca, 6041


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